Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who gave their time to give us feedback to the question of providing a negative Lateral Flow/Antigen test on arrival at Peach/Club UK events.
As you would have noticed, 99% of you want us to make this mandatory.
Yes, we understand that you COULD catch Covid on the bus or train journey to the event, Yes we understand it is not 100% accurate, and Yes we understand that SOME people may cheat and use someone else’s test results. We truly believe that Peachy Ravers CARE about everyone in our family and so we trust you on this. To those that feel the need to cheat, then we say, we do not want you as a Peachy Raver.
Our only concern for both Aug 14th at The SteelYard and Oct 1st at Electric is that we do our utmost to offer you the safest environment possible, even if it is more than the current government guidelines request. For that reason, we will be making proof of a NEGATIVE Lateral Flow test an essential requirement for entry. For those that do not wish to upload the information to the NHS/Gov website and show proof via e-mail (we understand your reluctance), we require that you take a photo of your negative test result next to your ID (this can be a passport or driving licence). This must be done on the DAY OF THE EVENT only!
FREE Test packages arrive within 48 hours if ordered here… and each box contains 7 tests. There will be a limited amount of test kits on the door but please remember these take 30 minutes.
We do also know that we posted last week, we would not make it mandatory, but in the light of 99% of your responses we have done a Boris!! And it IS the responsible thing to do. Refunds will be available to anyne who can prove negative test on the day of the event.